Different methods on how to catch a cheating spouse

Once you're positive that you have a cheating spouse, there are several methods that you may use to get further proof. First you will have to ask yourself if you are alright with the fact that you will be reading your husband or wife's email, chat transcripts, and online activities without their knowledge. Is it ethical to do this? My answer is yes.

If you suspect that something is going to ruin or cause your relationship to end, then by all means you should try to do everything in your power to figure out what went wrong and how you can stop it. That's just my reason, but there could be other reasons you could have, like wanting to get even, gaining physical evidence in the form of chat transcripts and deleted text messages, or if you'd like to spend some cash, video or/and audio evidence of your wife or husband cheating on you with some other person.

Another concern would be, will you have enough guts to actually SEE these evidence, this is a very painful process and what you might see will undoubtedly shock you if your spose is truly cheating on you.

Hardware or Software Keyloggers to Catch a spouse cheating

If you are unfamiliar with these, keyloggers are gadgets or anti cheating spouse software that will reveal to you your cheating spouse's online activities. They do this by recording what websites they have been to, what their email and passwords are, and what conversations they have had in the chatrooms.

How a keylogger does this is by actually saving all of the key strokes on your computer. Meaning anything at all that is typed in using the keyboard will be recorded and saved in your keylogger. Some keyloggers have massive memory size that you can actually leave them on for weeks.

Anything your cheating spouse does will be automatically revealed by the keylogger, all you need to do now is wait till he is gone, and then open up your memory. Again, refer to the above for the consequences. You may find somethings you would never have wanted to find, or on the other hand, you may find he is completely loyal and faithful and that he is just going through a rough patch. It is your choice to get past the boundary of spying on him/her.

Want to know where your spouse is? Get GPS

GPS, or Global Positioning System, are devices that will tell you where exactly is your spouse, or his or her car at. The process you will have to go through is to install the software on your computer, preferably hidden or a computer he won't check up on. Then hide this little device in your car, or whatever car your husband or wife uses for transportation.

When you have installed the GPS on your computer, and have placed the anti cheating spouse gadget in their car, you can now then check on his location using the software in your computer. With some GPS devices, you can even check your spouse's location by cellphone. You set the software to send you text messages on where the tracker is. There are also some other ways, such as a GPS enabled cellphone, which is obviously more accurate as you can track exactly where your spouse's cellphone is.

What good is knowing where he is? You can "test" him. Ask him where he was, and you'll obviously know if he's lying to you or not. You can check out where exactly the tracker or cellphone was if you want, but you might risk getting caught and letting your spouse know you are on to him or her. Do not risk getting caught, it may cause you to lose a case in court if you are stalking him.

Cheating Spouses more often than not hides something in phone.

With today's technology, it's no surprise that it is so easy to cheat and have a hidden relationship with someone. Communication is easily covered up with use of cellphones, and cheating spouses often look to these gadgets to hide their affairs, and discreetly contact their new lovers.

Using the same technology cheaters use, we can read their text messages and even listen in on their conversations. These text messages stored in the sim card of a phone, deleted or not, can be read even without knowing the phone/sim card's password (if it has any). With a cellphone spy program/hardware, catching your cheating spouse has never been easier.

What you need to do is wait until you can take their sim card out of their phone, and then insert the simcard into your cellphone spy gadget, will usually not take more than a minute if you have done it more than once. This will extract all text messages found, deleted or not. There are other types of cellphone spies, those which let you listen in on calls made by your cheating spouse. These are more expensive than just the normal phone spy tools.

To allow you to listen in on conversations, you will need to actually get a hold of your husband's cellphone and install this spy program. Once installed, you basically turned your husband's cellphone into your very own "bug" (like in the movies). You can silently "call" your wife or husband's phone, using your own, and it will allow you to listen in on whatever is happening in the phone's surroundings.

With all of these methods at your disposal, there is no reason for you NOT to know what is going on. I hope you learned something about how to catch a cheating husband or wife, and feel free to comment on this or any other article by heading over to our how to catch a cheating spouse blog.

For an overview of cellphone spies, and other ways to catch a cheating husband, visit this link : Cheating husbands